
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Stop Bullying!

Since last week was "Bully Free Week", creating a poster was a task for us to make. The poster contains information like types of bullying and how bullying affects people. Our posters will be displayed in our school library.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Bottle Cars (Mahi Tahi Task)

This week, we made cars out of bottles. Our task was to propel

the bottle car we made. But here's the catch, we couldn't use parts of our body to push the bottle car forward. We had to propel the bottle car that we made 1 meter minimum. The things we had to make the bottle cars were skewers, paper straws, bottle caps, bottles, balloons (one balloon per group), elastic bands and ice block sticks. 

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Term 2 Learning Goals

This is my Term 2 learning goals. We have Literacy, Math and Religious Education goals. I will try and achieve this goal by the end of the term.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Fence Art Heart

On the 30th of April 2019, Kakapo, Tui and Te Kahu class made a heart on a fence using wool and ribbon. We were assigned into groups of 4, 5's and 3's. Each group has their own space to work on. All of the groups worked collaboratively to achieve a beautiful piece of artwork.